These “Lit Mag Roundups” are where we list the magazines closing for submission this month in each genre, so get your submissions in while you still have the chance!*


Red Ogre Review—June 15th, no fee

carte blanche—June 15th, no fee

POETRY magazine—June 15th, no fee

Chicago Review—June 15th, $3.50

Up the Staircase Quarterly—June 15th, no fee

Fourteen Hills—June 16th, $3

Sequestrum—June 16th, $6.35

Gold Man Review—June 24th, no fee, for writers located on the West Coast

Split Lip Magazine—June 30th, no fee for Black writers

Sweet: a literary confection—June 30th

Cagibi—June 30th, $5

Variant literature—June 30th

The Maine review—June 30th, $3

Suspended magazine, June 30th, 3 euros

Press 53–June 30th

RHINO poetry—June 30th

MAYDAY magazine—June 30th

Rattle ekphrastic—July 1st

Okay donkey—July 1st


Passengers journal—June 14th, $4

42 Miles press—June 15th, $3

Carte Blanche—June 15th

Split lip magazine—June 15th, $5, expedited response

Leon literary review—June 15th

Chicago review—June 15th, $5

Fourteen hills—June 16th, $3

Sequestrum—June 16th, $6,35

Gold man review—June 24th

Litro Magazine—June 25th, money themed submissions

Granta Magazine—June 30th, 3.50 euro

Cagibi—June 30th, $5

The westChester review—June 30th

The Maine review—June 30th, $3

Suspended magazine, June 30th, $3

Variant literature—June 30th, flash and micro fiction

Split lip magazine—June 30th, no fee for Black writers

Press 53–June 30th

Okay donkey—July 1st

Bellevue literary review—July 1st, $5

The ex-puritan—July 1st, no fee and feedback for emerging BIPOC writers

*As always, do your research on literary magazines before submitting to them. Please make sure to follow guidelines when submitting as well.

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